UX Pickle

Category Alerts

What is a Toast Notification?

Reading Time – 2 min A toast notification is a non-modal, unobtrusive element to display a short message and it appears on the screen when an event occurs. It is used to provide feedback or show a message. Toast notifications…

Three bulbs in traffic lights

Reading Time – 3 min The internet is full of traffic signal concept designs. Designs for traffic lights can be found in several of these concepts. It’s possible to display animations or a variety of colors in a single module,…

Why do users become numb to warnings?

Reading Time – 3 min One of the most common questions our team is asked is: Why do users become numb to warnings? When users are bombarded with countless warning signs on websites, they tend to get desensitized to them.…

Best Practice for Designing Form Error Messages

Reading Time – 3 min Many applications and websites rely on forms in some capacity. Our personal information is entered into them as well as our log-in credentials. Consider how frequently you enter information into websites and how often you…

Should Error Messages Apologize?

Reading Time – 2 min An error notice appears, stating, “This functionality is not available to you since you do not have the authorization to use it. For assistance, please contact your administrator.” The question arises whether it is acceptable…